My Conversation With Diego

His son goes to school in a different building than I do.

How do you get around?:

Getting around Italy depends on where he is trying to go. Some parts are really small so he walks, but others are bigger, so he may use transportation like a car. 

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Diego likes to wear stuff designed by Nike! Have you heard of Nike? This is a very popular clothing brand in the United States? Even though some Italians like to dress up formally, he prefers to be comfortable while working. Once when I walked into the store to get a sandwich, he was wearing a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt!

What do you like to do in your free time?:

In his free time, he loves to play tennis. Tennis for him is very relaxing and fun. Tennis is also a sport that he can play with his family. 

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

Diego speaks many different languages including Italian, English, Spanish and Dutch!

When I go to his business, I try to speak Italian to him. This helps me learn the language. He is very easy to talk to. Diego will help me sometimes with some foreign words.  

How many languages do you and your family speak?

Do you have pets?:

His family has a pet turtle and a Yorkshire. A Yorkshire Terrier (or Yorkie) is a type of dog. This type of dog is small and is great with people and children. These pets are perfect since he has a young son. 

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

Diego has traveled to many different places, but his favorite one is Plitvice Lake in Croatia.
