My name is Jess Sorrentino, and when I was 6 years old, my mom bought me a book about cheetahs because she knew that I liked "cats." Afterwards, when I learned that they were endangered, I was so sad! I thought, "What if they don't stick around long enough for me to see one?" That's how I started my journey to become a cheetah conservationist. After going to school for a Bachelor's in Zoology, completing many internships and traveling around the world as a zookeeper, I finally got my dream job working for this organization. I love knowing that what I do affects the real world and makes a difference, and if this is something you want to do as well, you can!
My point is, a little act can go a long way! If you want to do something, do it! Don't just stand around and watch extinction happen. You CAN make a difference, wherever you are and whatever you do. You don't even have to be a conservationist to help cheetahs and other wildlife. Anyone can donate, do a fundraiser, speak up and tell their family and friends about what they've learned, and change someone's mind. All it takes is for you to try.
Remember what we talked about in the last journal about ways that you can help? Follow us on our social media, join a CCF Chapter in your state, learn from books and documentaries, visit a zoo, donate or create a fundraiser for conservation, and most importantly, share the information you've learned with anyone who will listen!