Welcome to My Journey in Spain!

This is my very first time in Europe and one of my favorite things is that it’s so easy to travel throughout the entire continent. Most of the countries in Europe are smaller than the states in the U.S. and a lot of countries are members of the European Union, meaning that most of them share the same currency (the euro) and have open borders. This area of shared borders is called Schengen. This makes going from one country to the next as easy as driving from New York to New Jersey! So far, I’ve traveled all around Spain as well as to Portugal, Morocco and Gibraltar. Did you know that Spain has two cities on the continent of Africa? I passed through one of them (Ceuta) on my way to Morocco. And did you also know that Gibraltar is a British territory on mainland Spain? I walked into Gibraltar and it was technically my first time in the United Kingdom!

I’ve already learned so much in my time in Sevilla. It’s such a beautiful city in an amazing country that has so much to offer. I look forward to sharing my adventures, new experiences, mishaps and photos with everyone and providing new insight into what it’s like to live in a different country!
