Plátano is the Spanish name for plantain. Here in Ecuador, plantains are known by more than one name depending on when they are eaten or how they are prepared. As well as being called plátanos, they can also be called patacones or verdes.
I tried plantains for the first time. My host mom has prepared them for me in multiple different ways over the past month. Plantains are a fruit in the banana family. They look exactly like bananas except they are bigger and they are also not as sweet. Plantains are commonly eaten in many South American countries, in Africa and in parts of Asia.
When I saw the plantain on my dinner plate for the first time, I thought it was just a banana. It was cut up and fried, and it had blocks of cheese on the top. I don't really like how bananas taste, so I was hesitant to try it. To my suprise, when I bit into the plantain, it was not sweet at all. It was starchy and tasted more like a potato than a banana. It was a little crunchy on the outside but still soft on the inside, and my host mom had sprinkled some salt on top. It was really good! Once I knew that I liked them, I tried a piece with a block of cheese. This combination is common as a breakfast, lunch or dinner food here in Ecuador. You can find them on the menu in almost any restaurant.