Lao, although there are many students of the Hmong and Khmu ethnicities who speak Hmong and Khmu in Vientiane. Like many other big cities across the world, Vientiane is a diverse place when it comes to languages, cultures, and ethnicities.
Lao Kip! Some shops also accept Thai Baht and US dollars too.
8,000 kip, or $1 USD
Definitely Mussaman Curry with chicken and sticky rice at my favorite restaurant in Vientiane. It's called Pha Khao Lao (let's eat together).
A song called Take Me to Your Heart, which is a song by a Danish band from 1991. It was never very popular in the US but it is still very popular in Southeast Asia! If there's karaoke with my Lao friends, this song will be played at least once, without a doubt.
We went to a cat cafe! It's a coffee shop with about 8 cats who roam the shop, sitting on customer's laps and getting pampered.