Greetings! I am Colleah Gilbert and I'll be living in Guayaquil, Ecuador for the next three months to study and intern abroad.
Did you know that the Equator, the imaginary line that divides our planet into the northern and southern hemispheres, runs straight through Ecuador? I guess that living here puts me at the center of all the action! Guayaquil is a coastal city with a very temperate climate the entire year. It's very much like my home in Florida in that respect. Even though I am surrounded by people who only speak Spanish, the warm and humid weather makes it easier to adapt.
While in Guayaquil, I am studying to learn Spanish at a host school while also interning at a nearby medical clinic. With a lot of hard work in my Spanish courses and practice with the people I meet around town and at the clinic, I will be able to fluently read, write and speak in Spanish by the end of this program.
I chose Ecuador because I really wanted to both study the language and be able to provide essential health care services to people during my study abroad experience. Also, Ecuador is so beautiful, and the people here are so welcoming! I am sure you will enjoy this experience with me. After our journey together is over, you will be prepared to set out on your own study abroad adventure someday! Let's go!