Couscous Fridays


Every Friday, Moroccans gather with family and friends to share couscous. Couscous is a meal made with vegetables, meat and couscous. Couscous is a type of spicy, tiny pasta that is a traditional dish in Morocco. Even restaurants throughout Morocco serve couscous on Fridays! Although couscous is very delicious, it is not the only important thing about Fridays in Morocco. 

What tradition did I learn about?:

I learned about Couscous Friday within a few days of living in Morocco. Every Friday, my host mom and aunts would make delicious couscous. Family, and sometimes friends, would come over to enjoy the couscous and share a meal together. 

Why does the community have this tradition?:

The tradition of eating couscous on Fridays exists because Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country. Most Moroccans practice the religion of Islam. The holy day for Muslims is Friday, just as Sunday is a holy day for Christians. Fridays are reserved for prayer and rest. This is why Moroccans gather with their family and friends to share couscous on Fridays, following midday prayers. 

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

The tradition of "Couscous Fridays" is connected to Morocco through religion and the importance of family. Many Moroccans are very devout, and religion is a big part of life in Morocco.
