Hobbies I still enjoy doing while living abroad include fútbol (soccer), hiking and learning new languages. If you know anything about Latinoamérica (Latin America), you'll know how much passion there is for fútbol, whether you are a Messi, Cristiano or Neymar fan. Luckily for me, I happen to have fútbol running through my veins (not quite literally, but you know what I mean!), and Guatemala has been the perfect place to keep my passion going. I currently play in a women's league that competes every Sunday morning, and let me tell you, there are some amazing players out here. I look forward to my Sundays every week! Guatemala is also known for some of the most beautiful hikes and volcanoes in Central America, and this has also allowed me to continue exploring my passion for senderismo (hiking). To top it all off, I work in communities that primarily speak Kaqchikel, a Mayan Indigenous language, and I found the most amazing Kaqchikel teacher in town to teach me. Because I love learning new languages, I can assert my previous comment that it hasn't been easy, but certainly very rewarding!
I feel very grateful to have landed in Guatemala, for it has taught me about a culture I often saw reflected in the faces of my students in New York but never had the opportunity to understand on such a personal level. Living abroad has taught me about the warmth and care people can have toward immigrants. I get invited to eat at all moments of the day because that is how Guatemalans show their love and care for everyone, no matter what their race or culture. I get invited to family birthday parties, weddings and other festivities all throughout the year, even though I'm not part of the family.