Fiji is by far one of the most beautiful countries that I have seen. From the stunning coral reef fish to the beautiful smiles of the people, it is an unforgettable place. Since I arrived in Fiji last September, I have enjoyed every second of my time. The people here have always been kind to me and are excited to share their culture with me. During my trips to the villages of Namosi and Nalase, I met lovely families who opened their homes to me. We laughed, danced and drank kava until nighttime. I felt like a part of their family and will be thankful for the rest of my life. My mom always said that it costs nothing to be kind. Being away from home and family, the kindness strangers have shown me has kept my spirits feeling rich! If you take anything away from my journey, I hope that you will always be kind to yourself and to others.
At your age, I dreamed of traveling the world to places like the tropical rainforest in Brazil or the grass fields in Kenya. I would go to the library with my mother to learn about the beautiful animals and the special skills they use to survive in the wild. I knew that one day I would be an adventurer.