A Day in the Life of Ray

How do you get to school? Are you allowed to go to school by yourself?:

Most days, my dad drives me to school, but sometimes I walk to school by myself because I live very close by.

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

I eat lunch at school at my desk in my classroom. The lunch ladies cook the food and then bring a pot of each dish to every classroom on a giant metal cart, so we all eat in our own classrooms. My favorite food is tacos, but we don't eat that for school lunch here! In fact, you have to go to a different county to get Mexican food here in Taiwan. 

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

At school, we mostly speak Mandarin Chinese but sometimes speak Taiwanese. 你好 (nĭ hăo) means hello in Chinese, and in Taiwanese we say lí-hó (pronounced Lee - huh).

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

Many students at my school have the same English name as me, Ray! Other common boys' names are Eason, Tim, York, and Alan. For girls, some common names are Sherry, Mia, Cindy, and Sandy.

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

I study math, science, English, Chinese, social studies, music, and P.E. My favorite class is English because it's easy for me! 

What is your homework like?:

It depends on the day! I'm lucky that my homeroom teacher doesn't assign us too much homework, but when we do have homework it's usually writing from our textbooks.
