Day in the Life of Sam

What do you like to do in your free time?:

I have a farm, so when I am finished with my teaching job, I go to check on my farm. I am growing watermelon right now but will grow tomatoes next. I like to play cards with Bekah and Gedeon and our friend Pichou. We play UNO, Skip-O, and Sevens. I like to visit my friends and family when I can. We also sometimes go bowling with Bekah. 

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak a little bit of Swahili. I know some French, I used to teach French to P1 students (that's like first grade). I can speak English and Kinyarwanda fluently. 

Muraho - "Hello" in Kinyarwanda

Salama - "Peace" in Swahili (Many people in Rwanda use this to greet people)

Bonjour - "Hello" in French

Do you have pets?:

No, I don't.

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

I have traveled to Akagera National Park with Bekah. I have gone to Uganda before to sell beans from my farm. I have also been to the north in Rwanda to a place near Lake Kivou called Rubavu. 

What do you do for work?:

I am a teacher at a private school called Pioneer Learning Center and a farmer. I teach science, geography, history, religion and dance. 

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

What is your favorite thing to learn in school?
