Nagomi is a 16 year old high school student. Here is an idea of what her life in school looks like. As you read this piece, ask yourself: is your school life the same, or different to Nagomi's? Read on to see the interesting perspective of a student on the other side of the world!
For breakfast, I eat bread with curry inside. For lunch I have McDonald's (I really like their melon soda). For dinner, I eat my mom's cooking. It's very tasty!
I live in a house with my mom and older brother.
I wash clothes and help my mom with other chores like washing plates.
My mom is a resturant worker, and my dad is a driver.
School is from 8:35 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sometimes, I go home after 6:00 p.m. because I do after-school clubs.
I ride the train. Yes, I can go school by myself, and I have been walking by myself since I was 11 years old!