One thing I especially enjoy about traveling is exploring nature and the ecological environment in a different part of the world. In Canada, the regular spring season is like winter in Spain or Puerto Rico, meaning the summer months are also like spring. I could not capture photos of specific plants because of the winter season, but I caught some pretty trees.
Lo que disfruto de viajar es explorar la naturaleza y el entorno ecológico. En Canadá, la temporada normal de primavera en España o Puerto Rico es el invierno, lo que significa que los meses de verano son primavera. No pude capturar plantas específicas debido a la temporada de invierno, pero capturé algunos árboles bonitos.
I will focus on the Thuja occidentalis 'Spiralis' tree. It looks like a pine tree, but it has beautiful branches and unique leaves.
Me centraré en el árbol Thuja occidentalis 'Spiralis', que parece un pino, pero tiene hermosas ramas y hojas únicas.
I loved seeing this tree because it made a beautiful landscape with the others and complemented the small ones by being taller and thinner. Plus, the specific time of year plays a role in how this tree shines with the sun, at the end of the winter season environment and the beginning of summer.