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It feels like in the U.S.A., most coins are almost worthless (unless they are quarters!). 

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

A bottle of water costs 2-3 euros, depending on how fancy the restaurant is! And the thing is, you must always pay for water here in Belgium. I was very surprised about this because in the U.S.A., you always recieve free water with your meal. But here, you must tack on a few euros to your meal if you want to stay hydrated!

What was the best meal this week?:

I had the most amazing fries earlier in the week. Although Americans think of fries as being "French" fries, fries actually originate from Belgium, and are much tastier here than in France! All over Belgium you can find frituurs, which are shops that are open late and sell fried foods. Sometimes, you see frituurs that only sell fries, and nothing else. A local told me that if a shop only sells fries, you know they will be the best.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

My most fun activity this week was definitely going to the street concert. Hasselt was throwing a large street party for the students to celebrate the begining of the school year. There was lots of good fried food, lively D.J.s, delicious Belgian beer, and even bungee jumping!
