The City that Never Stops

For traveling to certain places within the city, such as school for myself, or to the heart of the city, it is often convenient to take a ferry or skytrain. Both have low fares that make them affordable options. 

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I felt excited! While I was a little nervous to get on a taxi motorcycle and tuk-tuk for the first time, they were each exciting in their own way. The taxi motorcycle was a little scary because unlike in the United States, motorcycles are not limited to a single space or lane. Most motorcycle drivers bob and weave their way through the cars and sometimes even get on sidewalks! I only use taxi motorcycles when I am going a short distance on not too busy streets. A tuk-tuk, on the other hand, operates more like a traditional taxi except it is like driving in a steel cage, so you can see everything! My tuk-tuk ride was arranged by my university so I did not have to bargain for a lower price. For the motocycle, however, I did have to bargain. I managed to talk my way down to 50 baht, which is just slightly more than a typical cab ride would be to the same destination. 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Thai culture is generally relaxed and does not have many strict regulations outside of respecting their king and monks. This attitude, combined with the fact that Bangkok is a huge city with a large population, leads to some interesting driving which I find facinating. Motorcyles bob and weave throughout traffic and sidewalks, and cars will make three lanes out of two if it means they can advance faster. 

Bangkok, Thailand
