Tajine: Morocco's Most Famous Dish!

How is the food prepared?:

To prepare tajine, first you cut up vegtables such as onions, carrots, potatoes, zuccini, squash or whatever you like or have in your house.  After they are cut into strips, you put olive oil in the bottom of the dish and put the meat of your choice in the center and stack the vegtables around it.  Finally, mix a small cup of water with spices like cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, tumeric and ginger and pour it over everything.  After everything is assembled, place the top on and cook it until everything is soft. 

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

This food is very common, and it's a great way to use whatever foods there are to make a hearty and delicious meal for a family.  It has different ingredients based on what is local and seasonal, which makes it very connected to the local environment. 

Location Data:
POINT (-7.09262 31.791702)
