Tajine is one of the most common foods here in my town, as well as in many parts of Morocco. Most people here eat tajine at least once a week because it is a simple and delicious meal that can feed many people. While it might sound boring to eat the same thing so often, this dish can be made with any vegtables and meat that you like, so no two meals featuring tajine are exactly the same. This also means that it can be made with whichever foods are in season at the time. Tajine is the name of the food as well as the clay pot in which it is cooked, and we eat it with our hands and pieces of bread. I thought that I might get tired of it, but now it is one of my favorite foods!
I tried Tajine. It is a clay pot filled with meat, vegtables and spices that are stewed together for almost an hour until everything is soft and cooked. People usually eat it with their hands and pieces of bread. It is a shared dish, and everyone around the table eats from the same pot.