Finns have a deep commitment to education. The school system here is among the best in the world, and Finland is also committed to providing free university education for all students. But what happens after you graduate, or if you want to learn something that is not taught in schools? Take a class with Oulu-opisto!
Oulu-opisto works a little bit like a combination of a college and a community center. This unique institution offers classes in everything from language (including Swedish, Finnish and Chinese, to name a few) to academic subjects to excercise, music, dance, theater, and handcrafts. I am currently taking a class to learn how to sew traditional Finnish clothes, and I have American friends who are learning Finnish through their language program.
Oulu-opisto, and other such programs, serve a wide variety of community needs. For those who have just moved to Finland, these programs provide an inexpensive way to learn the Finnish language. For school-aged kids, the college provides extracurricular activities, such as dance and theater classes. For adults, Oulu-opisto provides a way to learn new skills as an adult.