Hello, travelers! I hope you are doing well!
I cannot believe this is our last journal entry. Our time has gone by incredibly fast. I hope you had as much fun as I did getting to know you.
Ghana is one of many countries that you can visit in the future. During our time together, we learned that Ghana has several regions. In the Northern Region - my home away from home - the Dagbon Kingdom has its own language (Dagbanli) and traditions. You can find delicious foods in Ghana, including yam, fufu, and seafood. We also peeked into the lives of Ghanaian students and adults, with their permission. From attending school to celebrating Ramadan, Ghanaians fill their days with activities that are both unique and familiar to us in the United States.
My journey is only the beginning. My time in Ghana has inspired me to visit more African countries, including Rwanda and Tanzania.
I hope my journey has inspired you, too, travelers! Traveling allows you to see just how big the world is. Everywhere I have been, I have learned new languages, histories, and cultures, many of which are different to those I am used to in my African American background. Traveling also opens your heart to people outside of your country. By the time I leave Ghana, I will have many new friends to add to my list!
As you grow, take advantage of opportunities to travel abroad.