Well, the time has come to say farewell. If you have been following along with me on my journey abroad in Spring 2020, I would first like to say thank you! Though the journey into my travels was short, I hugely enjoyed sharing my experiences with you. It's been nice to reminisce on the best two months of my life!
AlthoughI definitely wish that I could have stayed in Sweden for the full duration of the program, to have the chance to be fully immersed with the culture, I am grateful that I was even offered the chance to explore this beautiful country. At the very least, my experience taught me how much I love Scandinavia and that I am going to do whatever it takes to go back.
Currently, I am bustling away with papers and deadlines for school. I am almost done with my last semester of my undergraduate career, and I’m thinking about applying to graduate schools abroad. The exposure I had in Sweden has opened up a world of possibilities to continue growing into a global citizen. Another path I am curious to follow is applying to be a Fulbright fellow, where I could do in-depth research and carry out a project in another country. As you can see, there are several career and life options for me to choose from once I graduate, and I'm excited that this is only the beginning.