Finding Home

I also video chat with friends and maintain communication with some of my old classmates and club members back home.

Before I sign off, here’s my typical schedule, so you know what my week is like. I live in a temple dorm. It’s just like a regular apartment, but a nearby temple owns my building. In exchange for low rent, I clean the temple three times a week. I clean the temple on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays before 9:00 a.m. I usually do my personal chores, grocery shopping, homework and other errands on Sunday. If I don’t have too much schoolwork, I might do a little sightseeing. On Mondays, I have school all day and tea ceremony lessons in the evening. Tuesdays and Thursdays aren’t too busy for me because I only have one class on each of those days. I have school all day Wednesday and half the day on Friday. I’m an English tutor and work on Friday afternoons. I usually hang out with friends from church on Thursday and Friday evenings. On Saturdays, I spend the day at church. This schedule is not too hectic, and I have enough time to go on little trips around Tokyo.

Till next time,

