Mexican food is very diverse, with each of the 32 states having their own specialties. As a whole, Mexican food is renowned for its extensive use of tortillas, which are round flatbreads used to make dishes such as burritos and come as sides for many other dishes. Salsas, or mild to spicy sauces, are also featured in many foods.
I have tried a variety of dishes throughout my time in Mexico that have been delicious. On this trip to Mexico City, I ate chapulines — grasshoppers!
I felt a little bugged out when I tried my first chapulín, but it was actually delicious! Grasshoppers are a common source of protein in Mexico and there are a lot of stands that sell them by the pound!
The grasshoppers are usually dried and then fried or baked on a comal pan, which is like cast iron, so that they’re hollow. They don't have a lot of taste by themselves, so they often come garnished, or topped, with lime, garlic, salsa or chiles and salt.