This week, I checked the calendar and realized with shock that it’s already December. It feels like I arrived in Dublin yesterday, but it’s already been over three months! They say time flies when you’re having fun, and I’ve definitely been having a lot of fun here. In some ways, studying abroad has been like going to school back home. I’ve had to go to class, do my homework and prepare for examinations. But living here in Dublin has also taught me things that I never could have learned at home in the United States, while also allowing me to have the time of my life.
First, studying English literature in Ireland has taught me so much about Irish history. Before coming here, I had no idea that Ireland had such a long and complicated relationship with England. Now, after living here and reading works by Irish writers, I can see how England has impacted Ireland’s culture and history in many ways. If you were feeling ungenerous, you could say Irish culture is almost entirely a product of British imperialism, or rule over Ireland. My recent trip to London showed me many things that Ireland and England share: pubs, potato-based dishes, distinct regional accents and a great sense of humor. But in reality, Ireland is a unique and special place, distinct from its old ruler.