I have one month left in South Korea and I can’t believe how fast time has gone. When I first arrived, I felt so nervous because I couldn’t speak Korean well and I was scared I wouldn’t make friends. I look back at all the fears that I had before and I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that it would all be okay. I’m so happy that I have the articles from this journey to read when I want to look back at my memories. Coming to a new country and being away from everything that is familiar to me has been a challenging experience but I’m happy that I did it. I had to step out of my comfort zone and I had to take risks.
I've had a lot of successes in Seoul, such as making new friends, improving my Korean and visiting other parts of the country. However, I also had a lot of failures, like sometimes failing to communicate with native speakers. My failures made me feel defeated and I would get so frustrated that I just wanted to go home. Whenever I felt sad, I reminded myself why I came to South Korea in the first place: to become a better person.
My main goals were to become more independent and responsible. I think I achieved my goals. Before coming to South Korea, I was always too shy to ask for help and it held me back from doing my best.