Nature News

Number of sunny days this week: 2
Number of cloudy days this week: 3
Number of rainy days this week: 3
Number of snowy days this week: 0
Number of windy days this week: 0
What is the air temperature right now in Fahrenheit?: 75
How was the weather this week?:

The weather was sunny and more than 90 degrees. To celebrate the New Year, Nailah and I made it a.beach day with what seemed like the entire Ghanaian community! I quickly learned that going to the beach on New Year's Day is a tradition in Ghana. The dry hot weather is a big change from the rainy season we experienced about a month ago, with heavy rain, thunder and power outages. Here are some beach videos:

What animals did I see this week? :

This week, we saw many insects. Due to the hot weather, we are constantly greeted with small visitors such as butterflies and lizards. Although they are harmless, it's still a surprise to see them creeping around the house. Much different from the slugs we used to get during the rainy season. Here are some video clips of our lizards:
