Welcome to my journey to East Greenland aboard PONANT's Le Commandant Charcot! This week, we set sail from Reykjavík, Iceland to East Greenland.

Hello, or "Aluu" in Greenlandic! My name is Heather, and I am a pioneer of virtual exchange. Join my journey to Greenland with PONANT and The Explorers Club!
Welcome to my journey to East Greenland aboard PONANT's Le Commandant Charcot! This week, we set sail from Reykjavík, Iceland to East Greenland.
Jéróme is a guest aboard Le Commandant Charcot. At home in the United Kingdom, he is an International Train Manager with Eurostar. This voyage to Greenland is the trip of a lifetime for Jéróme!
Meet Patrick, the Cruise Director aboard Le Commandant Charcot! Patrick is originally from Malta and speaks six languages. He specializes in "bringing the fun" for the guests onboard our journey!
There are so many professions on board a ship like Le Commandant Charcot! Let’s watch the Cruise Director present all of the Departments of Le Commandant Charcot to the guests.