How I Get Around Chile

Colectivos go up the big hills in the two cities, and each set of colectivos has specific hills that it goes up. 

The ascensores (outdoor elevators) are fun to use when going up to a neighborhood that lies on a hill. While the elevator is on its way up, you can see all of the city below you! There are many of them in Valparaiso, and it only costs 100 pesos to take one. In U.S. money, that is fifteen cents!

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

The ascensores are very connected to the environment here in Chile, and especially in the city of Valparaíso. Valparaíso's neighborhoods are built upon big cerros, or hills. These hills are very steep and difficult to walk up, so people use these elevators to reach different places and neighborhoods in the city. 

Valparaiso, Chile and Vina del Mar, Chile
