Irish Breakfast

First, you need two cooking pans (one big and small), olive oil, a spatula, an egg, two pieces of bread (you can get butter or jam for spread if you wish), and two pieces of rashers. Then you place olive oil on both pans and wait for them to heat up (this way the egg and rashers don't stick to the pan), and place the bread in the toaster. Once it's done cooking, place everything on your plate and place butter or another spreadable of your choosing on to your toast. Sometimes people put their egg and rashers in the middle of the bread to make a sandwich. For the last step, enjoy the meal!

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Yes! Irish breakfast can be found in plenty of restaurants or cafes in Ireland. Irish breakfast was very important historically so workers could have a filling meal for a good start to their day.  This way they would work hard with a full stomach. This is true. I have felt full and have been able to work on my classwork for a couple of hours before eating something else. The history behind this meal stays true to this day.

Dublin, Ireland
Location Data:
POINT (-6.2603097 53.3498053)
