Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

The main language is German! Though many students here watch American movies and television and are able to speak a little if not fluent English. My favorite is speaking Denglish with my German friends, where we'll speak in either English or German until one of us forgets how to translate a word, and we'll swap back and forth. 

What type of money is used here?:

As we talked about the other day, in most of Europe they use the euro as currency. It's very similar to the dollar, although the papers are a bit smaller and made of a more sturdy plastic. Coins are also much more common, and they can denote 1 Euro or 2 Euros, making small purchases easy and efficient. 

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

At the grocery store a bottle of water costs about 50 cents, though it comes with a Pfand. That basically means every bottle you buy is an extra 10 - 25 cents and you get that money back when you bring the bottle back to the store. We have the same system of returning cans and bottles in some states in the United States, but it's much more common in Germany. 

What was the best meal this week?:

This week I met up with a number of other international students to go to a local Japanese restaurant.
