So for first block you might have English with Jonás in 1*C, but then you go to 1*A with Nerea for math during second block. While you go to Nerea's class, your stuff stays in Jonás's room.
Sometimes teachers go to different classrooms too. For example, one of my 4 años ("four year olds") teachers, Esperanza, switches classes with another teacher during the last block of the day.
Something else that was unusual for me is that the whole school works on the same topics at the same time. For the first few weeks, we were working on numbers. Then parts of the body. Now we're working on parts of the house. The lessons will of course be different for different grades--students in primero learned the word "eyebrow" while most of my 3 años lesson consisted of singing "Head, shoulders, knees and toes"--but the general theme stays the same across all grades.
Overall, I like the school system here. It is high-energy and challenging to get used to, but that's part of why I wanted to do something like this in the first place. I'm probably learning as much as the students are!