Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

The farthest I traveled this week was to the other side of Riobamba. I live on the north side of the city, and I had to go to the south side. I needed to have my fire extinguisher checked and updated. Peace Corps requires us to have a functioning fire extinguisher in our apartments. I'm glad I was able to check that off my to-do list.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

The farthest I've traveled on this journey has been to the south of Ecuador, only a few hours from the Peruvian border, to a small town called Vilcabamba. In total, that bus ride from Riobamba took over 12 hours. Luckily, we broke the trip up into days so the travel days weren't so long. Sitting in a bus for that long might not sound like much work, but it can be exhausting.

How did I get around this week?:

This week I walked to and from the university campus every day. Then I took the bus back and forth between my gym and my apartment. I also took a few taxis when I had to travel longer distances and wasn't sure of the exact bus route to take. I also grabbed taxis if I were running late and needed to arrive quickly!

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

My week was normal, so I didn't really step outside my routine. I suppose the most interesting place I visited this week was a new faculty building on my university campus.
