Anywhere you go in Barranquilla, you will see and hear people yelling `"Boli boli, se vende boli!" which translates to "Boli, boli, I sell boli." These people carry coolers filled with yummy frozen treats called bolis (bowl-ees) to sell to everyone.
I tried bolis, which are a mix of sweetened fruit juices frozen into plastic bags. You can pick from many flavors!
I was excited to try bolis for the first time because I had seen people selling them everywhere! Many of my students had asked me if I had tried bolis yet so I was looking forward to finally trying one.
Fruit is smashed up, combined with sugar and then put into plastic bags. The bags are then frozen and sold on the street by people carrying coolers.
Fruit is very common in Barranquilla because a lot of it grows around here, so it is very easy and cheap for people to get and make into the tasty and sweet treat, bolis!