You can read about different cultures online and tell your friends about them. If you learn that someone is having difficulties, you can try to help them. Lastly, one of the best way to become a global citizen is to study hard during your classes. Classes not only teach you about the world but also give you the skills to get into a good college and get a good job, which will enable you to travel later in life. The key is that you can be a global citizen everywhere.
In Japanese, there are many different ways to say goodbye, based on the situation. Sayonara is a final goodbye, often used when you are unlikely to see the other person again soon. Jaa mata is a short-term goodbye used among friends when you know you will see them again soon. Ittekimasu is an even shorter-term goodbye, used when you are leaving home for a short time but will return. Therefore, even though this may technically be a sayonara type of goodbye, I’m going to say jaa mata, because whether or not we actually encounter each other again, the memories of our time together and what we have learned will continue to resurface as we live our lives. With that said, jaa mata!