Meet Marley, an Eight-Year-Old Thai Student


Marley (pronounced "Mah-lay") is the awesome daughter of another English teacher at Khon Kaen University. I have spent some time with Marley and her mother over the past few months, eating desserts and drawing pictures. Marley is smart, funny and full of life, so I was extremely excited to interview her. She was at a wedding in Chiang Mai with her mother this weekend, but I was able to catch up with her via videochat. Although she can speak English, we only spoke Thai during the interview. My friend helped me translate her answers after we finished talking.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

For breakfast, I like to eat fried chicken with sticky rice. For lunch, I like to eat guay thiaou (pronounced "goo-eye dee-ow," which is a Thai noodle dish). For dinner, I like lasagna.

What is your house like?:

I live with my mom in a condo with a bathroom, a bedroom and a living room.

What chores do you have at home?:

I put my toys away and I take out the trash.

What jobs do your parents have?:

My mom is a model (At this point in the interview, Marley smiled at her mom, who laughed). My mom is a kruu (kruu means "teacher").
