I interviewed my friend Lotte, who I met early on in my master's program here at Maastricht University. She is actually from Belgium, which is to the left of the Netherlands, but very, very close. I asked her a bunch of questions about what her life is like being Belgian, but speaking Dutch and going to school in Maastricht.
Lotte Slootmaakers (Sl-oo-t-mAh-kers)
I live in Belgium in a small village right across the border from the Netherlands. It is about a 20-minute drive from where I live to Maastricht. My house is very long, which is common in both Belgium and the Netherlands. My house is cool because we have glass doors all throughout the house. Even the back door in the kitchen is completely glass and leads out to our backyard.
I have a mom, a dad and a younger brother and sister. My family actually likes to spend a lot of time together. Both my brother and sister are university (college) age, so they're only a few years younger than me. Our family is very close, but I think that I spend the most time with my parents. My brother is usually out with friends, and my sister, Nina, likes to be by herself. We eat dinner together almost every night and spend time watching the television too.