Her dad is a nurse at a prison.
Her school starts at 7:50am and they get out at 2:35pm.
Her mom drives her to school and then she takes the bus home. If her mom is not busy she will ride with her mom back home.
She eats in her school's cafeteria. Her favorite foods at the cafeteria are the soft tacos, grilled cheese, tomato soup.
She speaks English and a little bit of Spanish and Chinese.
Hello in Spanish is Hola!
Hello in Chineese is Nǐ hǎo.
Elsie's friends are named Antonio, Taylor, Anna, Griffin, Collin, and Maya.
The subjects that she studies are English, Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Health, Computer, Music, Art, Foreign Language, Chorus, Physical Education. Her favorite subjests are Art and Foreingn Language.
Her homework is mostly studying for tests and worksheets. For instance, she sometimes has to write notes down on the music scores for practice learning how to read music.