This week the furthest that I traveled was from New Hampshire and Maine, down through New England with a stop in Rhode Island, and then to my home in Bayonne. It was a very busy travel week because a lot of people had off of work and school so there was a lot of traffic on the road, but my husband and I had a lot of fun singing along to Christmas music on the ride home.
So far on my journey this was my furthest journey. I love to travel and I hope to travel more next year.
This week I took a rental car to New Hampshire. I rented it out of a train station on my commute home via train so I was able to cut out time getting to visit my husband's family.
The most interesting place that I visited this week was a really old neighborhood in Maine. It was built up along a river that seperates Maine from New Hampshire. I loved seeing the old homes and small farms. It was so quaint and beautiful!
The snow has made the roads very slippery and dangerous. I'm really thankful that the schools closed for the day and that my boss let me go home early. It's aways best to stay save and not to take risks when there is bad weather while you are traveling.