It normally depends on the degree and skills that you have, and I have been fortunate enough to study in a really great field that offers millions of jobs. In the U.S, I the age of young people is often considered 21 to 30, but it depends on whom you're talking to. I will be turning 23 this year, and I have been fortunate enough to obtain a full-time job with a salary that allows me to care for myself and help my mother with life insurance and car insurance. I am choosing not to move to an apartment because I want to save money, and financially, this is the smartest move for me.
In terms of recognizing perspectives, here in Spain, I've come to understand that I have been blessed and fortunate enough to have a job and be financially independent. I've learned to understand that opportunities here are different from where I come from. I've also learned to understand that the age they consider to be young reflects the situation that most young people here face. All in all, understanding perspectives is so important! I do not have to agree with someone else's perspective, but I do need to try and understand where a person is coming from and understand the situation he or she is in that leads to that belief.