Tim Burton Trees

However, when I got a chance to see them during the day, I was awestruck because they were unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. It's a little disconcerting to see trees altered so drastically by the hand of humans, but in a city, an altered tree is better than no tree!

Where does it live?:

The common lime tree is a deciduous broadleaf tree that is native to the United Kingdom and parts of Europe. They are usually planted in cities or residential areas, but they also grow as a natural hybrid in the wild. Lime trees are most common in cities because they are usually used for ornamental purposes in parks.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Lime trees have small white flowers that smell good and produce nectar. The scent and the nectar are key in attracting insects to the lime tree. Insects are important for a lime tree’s survival because they are responsible for pollinating the tree. Once the tree is pollinated, it is able to produce the very sour, green fruit we call limes.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Lime trees are prone to fungal disease which can cause its roots to rot. Pollarding the trees not only gives the trees a somewhat creepy form, but it also helps clear away parts of the tree that may be decaying. It is important to care for the lime tree because it provides nourishment for other life forms. Caterpillars and moths (including the lime hawk and rare hook-tip moths) often eat the lime tree’s leaves. The lime tree’s flowers also provide nectar and pollen for bees, which are endangered right now.
