Hello students! I am Lindsay Bennett, and I am studying abroad at Akita City, Japan for a year. I am 20 years old, an identical twin, and I am from Lynchburg, Virginia. After high school, I left my hometown to study at the University of Kentucky, where I study Japanese and international economics. I enjoy playing the alto saxophone in the marching band and pep band there. Although there isn't a club similar to marching band here, I can't wait to join one of the clubs here that can only be found in Japan! I also enjoying spending time with my friends and playing cards.
I was fortunate enough to receive a Gilman Scholarship and a Morgan Stanley Bridging Scholarship to help me study abroad. I am currently at Akita International University where I am excited to improve my Japanese and learn about Japanese culture. It is a culture that is very different from the United States and I learn something new every day.
There are so many interesting things in Akita. It is a beautiful place filled with nature, and has foods and products that can't be found in Tokyo. It is a very popular place for hiking and skiing, though we have to watch out for bears. In the winter, there is a lot of snow and many festivals. I am so excited to share my journey with you! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! (Nice to meet you!)