I arrived in Pokhara for my research project and met Sudin through a friend. He is 23 years old and studies mountaineering—that is, mountain climbing. After we enjoyed a meal together, we sat down and talked a little bit about his life. He is very energetic and fun! He provided all of the pictures here, except for the selfie. They are proof of the amazing photographer he is.
Sudin Adhikari
I study in Pokhara, but I live in a countryside village by the name of Lahachok. My house is traditional, made of stone and mud. Around my house there are a lot of farms. I have a buffalo that is used for milk.
They are supportive, and they want to see me as a great man. My family really wants me to become someone great in the future.
Before, I used to walk or use the local bus. Now, I have a personal motorbike. I feel a little bit lazy sometimes because now that I have the bike, I'll take it even if the destination is very close.