With my experiences so far, I would say that preparing and eating food is one of the most important cultural practices in México. Food is used to interact with and honor one's ancestors, to learn the history of the country, to connect with the surrounding environment, to spend time with friends and family, and to show love. I could probably write a book about all the delicious foods I have tried, but I will focus on only a few here. Let’s hop into the specifics…
I hope this doesn’t make your skin crawl, because you might be surprised to find that this traditional Mexican food is pretty hoppin’ good… Chapulines, or grasshoppers, are a delicious bite-sized, protein-packed snack you can find throughout México. They are originally from the state of Oaxaca where people have been eating them for hundreds of years. I ate my first serving of chapulines in the Sunday market in México City.
I am not trying to brag and say I am a super-cool Tarzan-like Amazon woman, but I have actually eaten a few grasshoppers before. Because of this, I was not totally spooked by the idea of eating these insects, but they were bigger than thoseI had tried before (which were about the size of a paperclip) and they were served whole.