Our News

I was a little afraid, but we made it perfectly fine and got great pictures!

What did I read this week?:

I was super boring and read emails for work. I learned that I get to create my own lesson plan for Friday, so I am really excited to teach my students all by myself!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I did a lot of traveling over the past week, so I played this game on my phone called Home Design. It's like Candy Crush, but you earn money and tickets to design rooms for your customers! I only play it to pass the time.

Other news from this week:

My favorite Italian city was Rome. We were there over Christmas and got to see a lot of different outdoor sights without many other tourists. My brother, boyfriend and I dressed up nice and went to dinner, too. It was nice to spend the holiday with them in a different country.
