I spent a total of ten days camping in the forest. The first five days were spent in the southern parcel of The Lost Forest, which constitutes two-thirds of the entire forest area and is situated at a higher elevation than the remaining third of the forest (in the northern parcel). The higher altitude of the southern parcel created an unusual weather system wherein the rising moist air would condense at the tree canopy and release the moisture as rain in the afternoon. Essentially, we were camped out in a cloud! It sounds dreamy and romantic, but the reality of it was that visibility was about two feet at any given time and strong gusts of wind would sweep through camp and dislodge our tents which had been staked into the ground. I had to keep three large chunks of quartz in my tent to keep it from blowing away! The temperature hovered at about 50 degrees, usually dipping into the 40s in the evening.
The weather in the northern parcel was the stark opposite. Because the forest area is smaller, more of the interior is exposed to the sun’s rays, reducing the amount of trapped moisture.