Thailand has a tropical climate. That means that it is warm all year round. Instead of having four seasons of fall, winter, spring and summer like in the United States, Thailand has just two seasons. The two seasons in Thailand are rainy season and dry season. Rainy season is from June to October. In rainy season, it rains almost every day. It is not cold, just rainy. Dry season is from November to May. Dry season is hotter than rainy season. Right now (April 2021) it is dry season. The days are very hot, right now!
Chiang Mai has many animals! There are lizards, geckos, frogs, snakes, slugs, dogs, cats, bugs and too many birds to count.
Chiang Mai is located in the northern part of the country near the mountains. That means there is a lot of hiking and nature close to the city. For instance, I recently got to go on a hike to a temple called Pad Laad Temple.