As I made plans to go to Mexico, I was feeling really nervous. There were many reasons I felt that way, but the biggest one was that I was moving to a town where I did not know anybody. Not a single person! It was scary, but it was still something that I wanted to try. I had never lived in a place before where I didn’t know anyone.
I've learned that one of the best parts of traveling and living in different countries is the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Because I moved to a place all by myself where I did not know anybody, I was put in a position to meet even more people than if I had moved somewhere with people I already knew. I’m so glad I was brave enough to do something scary, because it helped me meet some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life!
Between the beginning of my time in Tlaxcala and now, the part of my experience I appreciate the most is making connections with people. Of course, the food is delicious, the weather is nice and the sights are beautiful. However, none of this compares to the incredible people who are now luckily in my life!
Even on days when I feel sad because I am far away from my family, I realize that I have found people in Mexico that feel like family.