I have been in Dakar now for a little over 3 months. I hope that over the past few weeks I've been able to give you a glimpse into what life is like here in Dakar! Living in Senegal is vastly different from life in the United States and sometimes simple daily tasks (like getting drinking water) can be a bit of a hassle, but all of that seems trivial in comparison to the beautiful experiences I've had in this country.
I know that it's common for people to overlook African countries like Senegal in favor of luxurious vacations in wealthier countries like France and Italy. And while there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to explore European nations (I myself am hoping to visit France in the coming months), I hope that this journey has given you all a peek into what western African countries have to offer!
If you ever find yourself looking for an opportunity to go abroad and practice your French, I must recommend looking into nontraditional destinations like Senegal. I hope that by reading my journey I've inspired you all to embark on journeys of your own!