From rock climbing and diving to relaxing downtown to listening to reggae with new friends, every week in Curaçao just keeps getting better, and I'm learning more and more along the way!

I'll be exploring deep reefs in Curaçao with robots, submarines, and more! My mission is to discover which fish make which sounds and use those sounds to help track changes in our oceans!
From rock climbing and diving to relaxing downtown to listening to reggae with new friends, every week in Curaçao just keeps getting better, and I'm learning more and more along the way!
I can’t believe it’s already been over 3 months! It feels like just yesterday we met. I want to express my gratitude for all the support I’ve received to share this journey with you!
Curaçao is a mixture of several cultures; however, the island also has its own distinct culture, that includes food, with Curaçaoans eating American, Dutch, Latin-American and "island" dishes.
Here’s a list of coral reef fishes and their names to help you get familiar with the species we discovered making sounds. This album will prepare you for the game, Which Fish Made That Sound?!