Roundtrip, I traveled 74 miles to Hong Kong. It was a relaxing journey to take a ferry there and a quick bus ride home!
I have traveled approximately 10,400 miles from the start of my journey to my trip to Hong Kong.
During the week, I take the public bus whenever I need to go into the city of Zhuhai. This week, I took the public bus to buy groceries and visit the bank in the city. While it used to be difficult for me to understand the bus routes, I have become more comfortable with navigating to wherever I need to go. In regards to Hong Kong, I took a ferry there and a bus home. While in Hong Kong, I navigated the city by foot and walked over 10 miles.
Hong Kong was the most interesting place I visited this week. From the time we started arriving on the island, it reminded me of New York City. There were large ships with trade imports and exports that docked along the water. In the city, there were bright signs and many stores on every street. I loved how there were many people from all around the world!