I hope that one day, the cats will feel less afraid of me. Chinh and I both share a love of cats. As for her dogs, she has one very large and quiet dog. The dog is very calm and never barks at me. Her other dog is named "Chịu" (chew) which means "bear" in Vietnamese. However, the dog is not like a bear at all! In fact, the dog is a small Pomeranian. Once, Bear spent the night at my home and he was very playful and noisy.
Chinh has a very curious mind, which makes her a great student and a traveler. She has "traveled many times to other provinces in Vietnam and other countries." For example, she has been to Hanoi (Vietnam's capital), Ho Chi Minh City (the largest city in Vietnam), and to many provinces near Lang Son. As for her travels in other countries, she has been to China to study languages ,and Korea. She wants to go to the United States one day. I hope that she visits me in Minnesota!
Currently, Chinh is a student. When she does not have class, she tutors and teaches English to "children at their home." In her own house, Chinh has a room with a desk and many language books/materials. Sometimes, children go to her house for lessons. Chinh seems to learn languages quite fast. Maybe, she will become a teacher one day.